The year starts and you are hoping to go to university. And yet again funds are no where to be found. You applied for several bursaries but still the result…
Coronation FM is giving away a bursary worth a whopping maximum of R 80 000 (eighty thousand rand) per year to study a full-time undergraduate degree in commerce (only in…
By Madimetja Mashishi The Old Mutual Scholarship programme is aimed at pupils in grades 8 and 9. This is because it offers its scholarship from Grade 10 onwards and it…
This bursary is aimed at undergraduate and prospective undergruaduate students studying towards a commercial qualification. The sought after study fields include law, science, accounting, finance and economics. To quote the…
There is actually one way to apply for a bursary, unless it is advertised. Because when it is advertised the advert usually explains the application process and the requirements in…
The Allan Gray Orbis Foundation is offering scholarships, fellowships and bursaries for the those students interested in studying commerce, humanities (majoring in politics, economics, or philosophy), engineering, law, or science…