2016 internships in government Archives - The Bursary Bin https://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/tag/2016-internships-in-government/ Bursaries, Internships, Scholarships, and more Mon, 30 Nov 2015 18:25:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://i0.wp.com/bursary.seniorjournalism.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/cropped-560801_366250993467638_143191026_n.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 2016 internships in government Archives - The Bursary Bin https://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/tag/2016-internships-in-government/ 32 32 24248233 National School of Government 2016 Internships (Various fields) https://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/2015/11/30/7044/ https://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/2015/11/30/7044/#respond Mon, 30 Nov 2015 18:25:20 +0000 http://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/?p=7044 The National School of Government (NSG) is inviting applications for its 2016 programme from graduates in the following fields: Business Management; Monitoring and Evaluation; Public Management; Human Resources Management; Training…

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The National School of Government (NSG) is inviting applications for its 2016 programme from graduates in the following fields: Business Management; Monitoring and Evaluation; Public Management; Human Resources Management; Training and Development; Education; e-Learning; Curriculum and Material Design; Knowledge Management;  Quality Assurance and Accreditation;  Financial Management; Procurement Management; Logistics and Facility Management; Information and Communication Technology; Communication; Marketing; Law; Political Science and International Relations.

The NSG intends to place unemployed graduates in its Internship Programme as a contribution towards the development of workplace experience and skills of unemployed youth. The Internship Programme will run for a period of twelve (12) months from 01 April 2016 – 31 March 2017. Preference will be given to the previously disadvantaged groups who have degrees or diplomas in the study areas identified under the requirements of the post. The reference number to be used when applying for this Internship Programme is NSG27/15.

Interns will be paid a monthly stipend of R 5,185,80 for the duration of the internship programme.

What are the requirements?

  • Applicants must be unemployed graduates from accredited Institutions of Higher Learning who have not been exposed to work experience related to the area of study that they have completed.
  • Graduates must be unemployed for a period of not more than one (1) year after completion of their studies and have never participated in an internship programme in any government department.
  • Graduate interns should be qualified in the following fields of study which are relevant to the NSG core business: Business Management; Public Management; Human Resources Management; Training and Development; e-Learning; Curriculum and Material Design; Quality Assurance and Accreditation; Monitoring and Evaluation; Financial Management; Procurement Management; Logistics and Facility Management; Information and Communication Technology; Communication; Knowledge Management; Marketing; Law; Education ; Political Science and International Relations.

Do you have questions?

For enquiries, please contact Ms Matsoai Hlahane at the following telephone number (012) 441 6735 during normal office hours or email address: [email protected].

Candidates should make their own accommodation and transport arrangements.

How to apply?

Applications must be accompanied by form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service department (or obtainable at: www.gov.za originally signed and dated by the applicant, certified copies of qualifications and ID document. The Z83 should clearly indicate the reference number as NSG27/15. Failure to submit the required documents/ information will result in your application not being considered. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). The NSG reserves the right not to place the Interns. Please note that faxed and e-mailed applications will not be accepted.

Applications for the Internship Programme can be made by forwarding the applications documents to the following address:

National School of Government, Private Bag X759, Pretoria, 0001 or hand delivered at 70 Meintjies Street Sunnyside Pretoria 0002. For the attention of Ms Zoleka Lamati

Closing date: 11 December 2016

Note to applicants: Correspondence will only be entered into with short listed candidates. Applications received after the closing date will not be considered. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.

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https://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/2015/11/30/7044/feed/ 0 7044
2016 Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) Internships (Various fields) https://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/2015/07/06/2016-government-communication-and-information-system-gcis-internships-various-fields/ https://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/2015/07/06/2016-government-communication-and-information-system-gcis-internships-various-fields/#respond Mon, 06 Jul 2015 04:02:58 +0000 http://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/?p=6684 The Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) is inviting applications for its 2016 Internship Programme from South African unemployed graduates and students who require in-service training in various fields. The…

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The Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) is inviting applications for its 2016 Internship Programme from South African unemployed graduates and students who require in-service training in various fields. The internships are available mostly at the GCIS’s head office in Hatfield, Tshwane; however, there are additional opportunities for Communication / Journalism graduates at GCIS’s provincial and parliamentary offices which can be found here (click)

Field(s) of study Division / Cluster / Unit of placement Reference number Enquiries contact
Public Relations/ Media Studies/ Communication/ Political Science Media Engagement ME 2915/15 Ms T Modubu: 012 473 0320
Cluster Supervision CSS 2915/15 Mr M Mpuzana: 012 473 0178
Cluster Supervision CSG&A 2915/15 Mr L Leso: 012 473 0147
  Rapid Response RR 2915/15 Mr M Jikazana: 012 473 0197
  Research Rea 2915/15 Dr N Nala: 012 473 0218
  Internal Communication IC 2915/15 Mr T Kgomo: 012 473 0233
Translation/Language Practice (specifically in SiSwati) Content Development: CD 2915/15 Mr E Tibane: 012 473 0069
Marketing / Advertising / Media Buying Marketing / Advertising and Media Buying MAD 2912/13 Mr S Mlisa: 012 473 0287
Finance/Supply Chain Management/Logistics Management/ Purchasing Management Finance Fin 2915/15 Mr F Nieman: 012 473 0088
  Supply Chain Management SCM 2915/15 Mr G Storey: 012 473 0093
Information Management System Development ITSD 2912/13 Ms C Chen: 012 473 0043
  Information Technology (Hardware Focus) IT 2912/13 Ms V Ramosangoana: 012 473 0129
Graphic Design  Vuk’uzenzele VK 2915/15 Ms D Simpson: 012 473 0065
  Media Production VP 2915/15 Mr A Mohamed: 012 473 0015
Internal Audit/Financial Accounting Internal Audit IA 2915/15 Mr Dalson Modiba: 012 473 0054

Who is eligible to apply?
Graduate interns: Unemployed South African graduates with a tertiary qualification in any of the above-mentioned fields of study who have not been previously employed or participated in an internship programme.

Student interns: Unemployed South African students who are currently studying towards a higher-education qualification and need to be exposed to the work environment in order for them to obtain the qualification they are studying for. Only students who have not been previously employed or participated in an internship programme should apply.

How to apply?
Applications must be submitted on Z83 form, obtainable from any public departments or CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD, stating the field for which the intern is applying (from the above list). A CV, certified copies of certificates, academic transcripts, and Identity document must be attached. The certification stamp must not be older than three months and failure to submit the required documents will result in the application been disqualified.

Send your applications by post or hand delivery as follows:

Post Hand delivery
Ms Rina van der Berg:Tshedimosetso House1035 Frances Baard Street (corner Festival Street),Hatfield,


Ms Rina van der BergPrivate Bag X745Pretoria0001

General Enquiries:
Kabelo Dimpe: 012 473 0121 or Piet Lebelo: 012 473 0242

Note: Short–listed candidates will be required to attend interviews to determine their suitability. Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within 3 months of the closing date please accept that your application was unsuccessful.

© partially – The Bursary Bin

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