bursaries for 2014 in south africa Archives - The Bursary Bin https://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/tag/bursaries-for-2014-in-south-africa/ Bursaries, Internships, Scholarships, and more Mon, 23 Dec 2013 07:21:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://i0.wp.com/bursary.seniorjournalism.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/cropped-560801_366250993467638_143191026_n.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 bursaries for 2014 in south africa Archives - The Bursary Bin https://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/tag/bursaries-for-2014-in-south-africa/ 32 32 24248233 Limpopo Provincial Government Bursaries 2014 https://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/2013/12/23/limpopo-provincial-government-bursaries-2014/ https://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/2013/12/23/limpopo-provincial-government-bursaries-2014/#respond Mon, 23 Dec 2013 07:21:26 +0000 http://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/?p=3194 The Limpopo Premier’s Office is inviting applications for the 2014 Limpopo Provincial Government Bursaries from the province’s impoverished youth currently studying or intending to study towards a tertiary qualification in…

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The Limpopo Premier’s Office is inviting applications for the 2014 Limpopo Provincial Government Bursaries from the province’s impoverished youth currently studying or intending to study towards a tertiary qualification in any field of study in 2014. Only bursary applications from Limpopo residents will be considered. The Limpopo Provincial Government Bursary will cover virtually all costs for studying at a tertiary institution – these are: meals, accommodation, books and school fees.

What are the requirements?

  • Applicants have to be South African citizens residing in Limpopo Province;
  • Currently studying or intending to study towards a tertiary qualification in any field in 2014;
  • Meeting the admission requirements of the qualification of interest;
  • Be financially needy.

How to apply?

To apply, download the 2014 Limpopo Provincial Government/ Office of the Premier Bursary Application Form by clicking here now. Fill the form in and attach the following documents to your application form and and return it by post or hand delivery on the details below:

Attached CERTIFIED COPIES of the following documents to your bursary application form:

  • Letter of Admission / Proof of Registration at a Tertiary Institution;
  • Transcript of Academic Record (for students already at a Tertiary Institution);
  • Statement of Results OR Latest School Report (for learners who were studying matric/ grade 12 in 2013) OR Grade 12 certificate;
  • Identity Document;
  • Proof of Residential Address (e.g. Electricity /Water bill from the municipality, Letter from Local Chief, Municipality or Ward Councillor confirming your residential address);
  • Affidavits signed  before a commissioner of oath (For applicants with single parents OR for applicants with unemployed parents – detailing the means of survival)
  • If one or all your parents have passed on, attached certified copy of Death certificate as well.

Deliver your applications by post or by hand-delivery to any of the following addresses:

By post

By hand

Bursary Applications

The Director-General

Office of the Premier

Private Bag X9483




Office of the Premier

40 Hans van Rensburg Street




Closing Date: 31 December 2013 at 13:00.

If you have any questions regarding this bursary advertisement please contact either Mesdames Maatjie on 015 287 6365 OR K Mosotho on 015 287 6371 during normal office hours.

(c) The Bursary Bin owns full copyright on this article. Reproduction without prior permission is prohibited.


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JD Group Bursary Programme 2014 https://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/2013/07/30/jd-group-bursary-programme-2014/ https://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/2013/07/30/jd-group-bursary-programme-2014/#respond Mon, 29 Jul 2013 23:03:11 +0000 http://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/?p=2347 Are you in the first or second year of your studies at a tertiary institution in South Africa? The JD Group is looking for you. The group is currently accepting…

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Are you in the first or second year of your studies at a tertiary institution in South Africa? The JD Group is looking for you. The group is currently accepting applications for their 2014 bursary programme fund a variety of study fields. The company is looking for better than average achievers (60% average and higher) in fields such as logistics, human resources management, finance and accounting, marketing, property, and information management.

What are the requirements for the JD Group Bursary Programme?

For the year 2014, the JD Group is recruiting 1st and 2nd year students in the following fields:

  • Retail Management
  • Human Resources Management
  • Finance/Accounting
  • Marketing  / Merchandising
  • Logistics
  • Information Management
  • Sales
  • Property Management

How to apply for a JD Group Bursary?

Please have the following ready before you even attempt applying:

  • A CV
  • Certified copied of your ID and Transcript of Academic Record
  • A 200 words motivational letter on how you have impacted you community.

One you have all the above (CLICK HERE before the 13 September 2013 to apply).

(c) The Bursary Bin owns full copyright on this article. Reproduction without prior permission is prohibited.

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https://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/2013/07/30/jd-group-bursary-programme-2014/feed/ 0 2347
Reserve Bank Bursaries https://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/2013/07/15/reserve-bank-bursaries-2014/ https://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/2013/07/15/reserve-bank-bursaries-2014/#respond Sun, 14 Jul 2013 22:20:35 +0000 http://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/?p=2116 South Africa’s central bank, the South African Reserve Bank, is offering bursaries to top performers who are currently in Grade 12 or those who recently matriculated. Bursaries will be awarded…

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South Africa’s central bank, the South African Reserve Bank, is offering bursaries to top performers who are currently in Grade 12 or those who recently matriculated. Bursaries will be awarded for FULL-TIME study in fields relevant to the reserve bank’s operations, such as Information Technology (IT), Law, Economics, Finance, Accounting and related fields.

What are the requirements for the Reserve Bank Bursary Programme?

  • A matric with good grades (above 60% aggregate)
  • If you are still in matric, you MUST have obtained more than 60% aggregate in your June exam (the marks are only minimums so aim higher)
  • Must be intending to study towards a qualification relevant to the operations of the Reserve Bank (e.g. Information Technology (IT), Law, Economics, Finance, Accounting or related fields.)
  • Must be intending to study FULL-TIME (Part-time or distance education will not be considered)
  • You have to be planning to study an undergraduate qualification

How to apply for this bursary?

Download the application form by clicking on one of the the options in this brackets >> (Download Bursary Application Form as PDF OR Download Bursary Application Form as Microsoft Word).

Return the completed form together with supporting documents (for example Exam results, certificates, university enrolment form (student number), or any other supporting documents) by email to [email protected] OR send them by post or courier to Ms Vinessa Naidoo, Human Resource Department, South African Reserve Bank, 370 Church Street, Pretoria, 0001 before the closing date which is 30 Septermber.

Should you be successful and be funded by the Reserve Bank you will be required to work for the Bank on completion of your studies. While studying you will have to reapply for the bursary each year. The bursary will cover your tuition fees, books, and university accommodation. You will be required to work for the Reserve Bank during vacation holidays. If you are shortlisted for the bursary, you will be interviewed and tested.

Good Luck! The Bursary Bin

(c) The Bursary Bin owns FULL copyright on this article. Reproduction without prior permission is prohibited.

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https://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/2013/07/15/reserve-bank-bursaries-2014/feed/ 0 2116
SAAFoST Journalism Bursary Programme https://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/2013/04/30/saafost-journalism-bursary-programme/ https://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/2013/04/30/saafost-journalism-bursary-programme/#respond Tue, 30 Apr 2013 14:21:44 +0000 http://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/?p=1801 The South African Association for Food Science and Technology (SAAFoST) is inviting interested Food Science and Technology Professionals to apply for a bursary in Journalism. SAAFoST is offering 1 bursary…

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The South African Association for Food Science and Technology (SAAFoST) is inviting interested Food Science and Technology Professionals to apply for a bursary in Journalism. SAAFoST is offering 1 bursary per year for a working professional to participate in part-time or full-time study, awarded on the basis of academic merit and financial need.


Bursary Eligibility Criteria

The selection of candidates is based on the following criteria:


  • Applicants must enroll for full time or part-time study for a journalism course of their choice from media management, through to investigative journalism at a South African Tertiary Institution or recognized Training Institute with appropriate credentials, and complete his /her chosen study programme within 1 year.
  • Study may be by correspondence, on-line or attendance of lectures.
  • Applicants must be South African citizens who have been resident in South Africa for at least 3 years prior to application.
  • Applicants may not be in receipt of any other bursary or financial assistance.
  • Applicants will be required to provide a letter of intent of not more than 1 A4 page identifying his / her interest in journalism as a profession, motivation for applying for the bursary and why they should be selected. This motivation should demonstrate financial need.
  • The applicant must through their application and interview be able to demonstrate genuine commitment and potential to be a successful journalist in the field of Food Science and related scientific field.


Bursary Package

The bursary includes financial assistance for the following:


  • Tuition fees for the duration of the study programme for up to 1 year of study and to a maximum of R10 000.00.


Bursary Conditions


  • Granting of bursaries is not automatic and SAAFoST reserves the right not to award a bursary.
  • Only applicants who apply within the specified date and have completed the required application forms will be considered.
  • Applicants must be Professional Members of SAAFoST and remain active for the duration of study.
  • The SAAFoST Executive Committee makes the final decision regarding granting of the bursary.


Click here to download the application form for the SAAFoST Journalism Bursary

Annual Application Deadlines


Application Closing Date
Review Period
Award Announced
31 October
November – December


Application Submissions

Return by e-mail or fax to the Membership Development Officer:

The SAAFoST Membership Development Officer
PO Box 35233
Menlo Park
Tel: (012) 349 2788
Fax: 086 698 4784
E-mail: saafost.irene {at} telkomsa.net



The Executive Director
Tel: (012) 346 2091
Fax: (012) 346 2091
E-mail: ojf {at} icon.co.za


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2014 Harmony Bursaries https://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/2013/03/22/2014-harmony-bursaries/ https://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/2013/03/22/2014-harmony-bursaries/#comments Fri, 22 Mar 2013 08:59:27 +0000 http://bursary.seniorjournalism.com/?p=1497 Harmony is one of South Africa’s leading gold producer and it is counted among world leaders in gold mining. The mining company is inviting students and prospective students already studying…

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Harmony is one of South Africa’s leading gold producer and it is counted among world leaders in gold mining. The mining company is inviting students and prospective students already studying or intending to study at a South African university to apply for the bursary for 2014 tuition.

The objective of the Harmony Bursary Scheme is to recruit and select bursars for full time study at accredited Tertiary Institutions. By educating, training and developing individuals who demonstrate the appropriate skills, knowledge and competence, value creation is sustained for the company and all it’s stakeholders.

The scheme contributes to the development of historically disadvantaged South Africans and covers tuition and residence fees, as well as prescribed textbooks and a personal allowance.

What are the requirements of the 2014 Harmony Bursary?

  • When you are ready to apply online, get electronic copies of your results, CV and Id
  • All applications should be received by or on 31 May 2013.
  • Information provided should be supportive of your application.
  • Students applying for bursaries; with less than a B Symbol in Mathematics and Physical Science will not be considered. Students applying for bursaries in Finances with less than a C Symbol in Mathematics and a B Symbol in Accounting will not be considered.

Preference is given to the following fields, which are functional to the mining industry:

Mining Engineering

Mining is an underground or open cast process whereby minerals are extracted by means of explosives.


Metallurgy is the study of the economical recovery of precious metals and minerals. (Exploring by use of all the disciplines and techniques.)

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

A competent Electrical or Mechanical Engineer is a member of the management team at each operation. They are responsible for the safe installation and the proper operation, running and maintenance of all machinery, both electrical and mechanical. They are also responsible for the safe erection and proper maintenance of all buildings and structures on these operations.


At Harmony the Geologist is an integral member of the Management Team, and is accountable for extracting ore body in an optimal manner. At an early stage the geologist will apply his/her knowledge to the practical solution of problems in the underground environment, liasing closely with the production teams. Daily duties include underground mapping, borehole logging, data collection and synthesis (structural, sedimentological and grade) and communication of their findings to the rock breaking teams.


The finance department is responsible for all financial transactions. The correct allocation, classification and value of these transactions should be done on a daily basis.

The function is also responsible to ensure that the company complies with certain statutory requirements as lined out by the Companies and Tax Acts.

Applying for a bursary

To apply for a bursary for 2014, please complete our online application form before 31 May 2013. All bursaries awarded will lead to a contractual obligation between Harmony and the bursar.

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